End of season is coming so we will announce another 4 winners of Junkride Army Instagram contest. Big-up for everybody who is riding to the fullest and to everybody who supporting Junkride Crew and tagging #junkridearmy. Thank you for all videos tagged with #junkridearmy, we appreciate it and the best riders will be rewarderd !

Keep tagging #junkridearmy and you can win Junkride Clothing and other prizes !

#junkridearmy killer #31 - David Molnár - Budapest - Hungary 

Very interesting rider, who is tagging #junkridearmy and wearing our Junkride Clothing is Molnár David from Budapest. He is riding strictly 26" MTB street with 4 pegs, freecoaster and rigid fork. He is killing nice street tricks and combos . He is winning Army tshirt from us and higher rank in Junkride Army.

David in streets of Budapest

Follow @taker_26 Instagram

#junkridearmy killer #32 - Dávid Hornyák - Štúrovo - Slovakia

David Hornyak is great young rider from šrúrovo. He is riding with Martin Toma and we can see big progress. Thanks for tagging you are winning T-SHIRT JR Army from us.

Dávid and his riding video from our Indoor Bike Park in Šurany

Follow @hdavid_bmx Instagram 

#junkridearmy killer #33 - Tomáš Tohol - Námestovo - Slovakia

Tomasa is 14 years old rider from Námestovo and his trainer is legendary slovak rider Filip Baník.

Tomáš in his local skatepark Námestovo

Follow @tomastoholbmxx Instagram

#junkridearmy killer #34 - Karel Sykora - Březnice - Czech Republic

In Czech Republic, lot of park riders are tagging #junkridearmy. Thank you ! One of these riders is Karel Skyroa with great riding.

Karel on trip in Germany

Follow @karelsykorabmx Instagram

Thank you for all tagged photos ! Keep in riding and keep tagging! Soon we will announce next winners !

Winners of this round are also getting rank in our Junkride Army ! For more info check our web:



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