- Maker
Miki Kovačovič put together the third V3 TAPE cassette! The video contains 22 minutes of quality STREET BMX riding with Miki's Homies. It was filmed in 2023 in various locations such as Barcelona, Bratislava and Prague. You can feel a great vibe from the video, loaded tricks are also falling, and everything is complemented by high-quality, sometimes surprising music with a well-crafted cut. Miki also arranged two premieres of V3 TAPE in Brno and Bratislava, which had a great response and we had a lot of fun.
A smaller booklet with 8 pages and A6 format was created for V3 TAPE. Among other things, it contains quality photos and a Spotify playlist from the video! You can get the brochure at JUNKRIDESHOP for €4 or for free with orders over €50!