The Revolution is here!
Our latest complete rear freecoaster wheel built around the new lightweight Revolution Planetary freecoaster hub and super tough BSD NASA rim, using BSD spokes and rim tape.
Includes Jersey Barrier hubguards.
The Revolution is here!
Our latest complete rear freecoaster wheel built around the new lightweight Revolution Planetary freecoaster hub and super tough BSD NASA rim, using BSD spokes and rim tape.
Includes Jersey Barrier hubguards.
Se vam je ta izdelek zdel cenejši?
Pišite nam in znižali vam bomo ceno.
Vsi izdelki se prodajajo v standardnem obsegu 2 rok.
Rýchle vybavenie reklamacií. V primeru ene rastline se na vsako mesto nanese eno seme.
The Revolution is here!
Our latest complete rear freecoaster wheel built around the new lightweight Revolution Planetary freecoaster hub and super tough BSD NASA rim, using BSD spokes and rim tape.
Includes Jersey Barrier hubguards.