- Maker
After years, Marek Vrábel comes back with STREET BMX video BTX! Marek is a rider who can surprise with technical tricks and bangers. The video is full of bold STREET BMX riding, so watch it!
Hello Marek, we are happy to finally seeing a YOUTUBE edit from you and it looks great! Nice work from you and Jakub Zrubec. Tell us more about the video.
Hey Makeris, yes, I finally pasted the edit after a long time. Most of this footage is several years old, the oldest clips are 5 years old, about 2 clips were already out, but we decided to use them anyway, as they were shot with the intention of using them in this video. I wanted to shoot an edit for a long time, but I still had little footage and little time to shoot clips. Plus, not all homies are in favor of shooting gory footage, which I totally understand and respect. BMX is supposed to be about fun for everyone. I appreciate Kub Zrubec all the more, who took several shots for me and edited the entire video, for which I would like to thank him. The images were taken while I was studying at altitude, that is, between 2019-2023.
You recently moved to Prague, how are you doing there, how is your riding?
That's right, as soon as I left the gates of the university, my steps were directed towards the neighbors. I've been planning this for a long time and so far it seems like a good decision. There are quite a few people riding here and there are lots of riding spots and parks, overall better riding conditions until the winter haha. But I'm broke now anyway, so at least I don't mourn too much from outside the window when it's -10 outside.
Photo: Pavel Tenčík
Do you have any plans for 2024?
Plans for the next few years as well, not only 2024, is to ride mainly in good health and if I manage to shoot a few clips for the next video hmm...it would be nice. I would also like to fly somewhere far away, but we'll see how it turns out.
I don't know if it's a secret, but rumor has it that you made a design for a Fiend converter that successfully went into production. Can you describe this collaboration with Fiend, how did you get there?
I don't know if it's a secret, maybe not that big and if it's a secret, I hope they'll forgive me hahaha. The vision of designing components for a brand (any kind) seemed obviously unrealistic to me, even though it was extremely appealing to me. Well, when I was working for one company in the development department, my manager noticed how I was making designs of various components for a bike in my free time. After a short conversation, he convinced me to try to approach any company saying that I could offer them development services. The first company that immediately came to my mind was Fiend. This colleague helped me formulate a nice representative email, which I then sent to Fiend's info email. To my incredible surprise, after some time they contacted me with an interest in cooperation, which continues to this day. I've always wanted to be a part of this brand, and even though it's not a sitce for riding, I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity.
FIEND OMICRON Guardsprocket, the design of which was designed by Marek Vrábel:
JUNKY DIRTZ IS NOT DEAD ! Príbeh o začiatku znovuzrodenia legendami opletaného spotu Junky Dirtz Trávnica. Keďže dirty sú život a #nodignoride a #bikeordie tak obnovujem miesto zrodu Junkride Crew. Plus som si postavil nového dirťáka, tak prečo to nenatlačiť do jedného článku.
We are launching a big competition for the prize for the Freestyle BMX and MTB photo and video of the year! We haven't had a competition like this here for a long time and we decided that we want to see quality riding in quality videos and photos. So don't hesitate and join in!
Uplynulú sobotu sme v našej hale v Šuranoch odjazdili FREESTYLE MTB jam! Prišla Slovenská špička dirtových jazdcov, ktorí sa na zimu pred počasím sťahujú do haly. Jazdilo sa celý deň vo veľkom štýle, padali veľké triky a vyladené kombinácie. Sleduj fotogalériu a výsledky !
We ended the Slovak Freestyle BMX Cup 2024 in the Junkride Freestyle Park Šurany! They fought for the title of Overall Winner of the Slovak Cup and for the title of Master of Slovakia in the Olympic discipline Freestyle BMX PARK. Watch photos, results and video!